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አባል ውይይት:Elfalem/ማህደር ፩

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[ኮድ አርም]

ሰላምታ ኤልፍዬ እንደምነሽ? በጣም ብዙ ጠቃሚ ረዴት ስለ ጨመርሽ ምግብና እንድታገኝ ልጠይቅልሽ!

ከክብር ጋር፤ ፈቃደ 04:58, 27 August 2005 (UTC)

በጣም ይቅርታ for my mistake, actually I will admit English is my first language; የኔ አማርኛ ግን ላብዛኛው ምክንያት ያልፋል፤ አይለም? I may make the odd slip up so ከልደት አማርኛ ተናጋሪ የሆነ መጋቢ መልካም ነውና አይነተኛ መሆኑ መሰለኝ! I haven't heard any response from Mr. Node yet, but I will prod again... ደስ በማለት, ፈቃደ 01:55, 30 August 2005 (UTC)

Arizona Countys

[ኮድ አርም]

Selam, yes wikipedia is going great! I think I found a fix for the template that was making the seals too big... I also moved some of the pages to reflect their actual pronunciation (which follows Spanish, not English...)

My only wish for this wikipedia is that many more people will start contributing more, like the other languages with millions of speakers. I know they are online, and I have left several messages at Warka, but maybe they just want to write poetry and fiction! I have also emailed lots of people in Ethiopia in the past week, like the faculty at AAU, to let them know about this, but it still seems to be slow in catching on... How can we get lots more people in the "online" community to contribute here? I've been doing everything I can think of to make this site as "user-friendly" as possible; do you have any ideas for that? Thanks, ፈቃደ 15:15, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

I am one who prefers "ልሳነ ንጉስ" in articles wherever possible, or in most cases... But one beautiful thing about wikis is, you can have as many redirects as you need for different variations or spellings, that all lead to the same page, at least for article titles... And if a better title is found, it can always be changed... (by the way shouldn't "Wikipedia:Naming conventions" be moved to "Wikipedia:የአርአስትና የስም አጻጻፍ ልምድ" or some such!?) I have added a little bit to that page, hopefully I expressed it properly; I don't know of any way to type fidel directly into edit boxes; someone told me this program could do it, but I was unable to figure it out, so I am cutting and pasting too! One more thing, you know you have set this page so that noone else but me can write on it, right? With regards, ፈቃደ 04:37, 27 December 2005 (UTC)


[ኮድ አርም]

I found a small glossary of Amharic legal terms that gives the following meaning for "Stipulation": ፍጥም... But I don't know if this word could be used in the sense of 'disclaimer'... Or maybe ማሣለፊያ or መካጃ? Actually come to think of it, the easiest to understand would probably be የኃላፊነት ማስታወቂያ... ፈቃደ 22:18, 28 December 2005 (UTC)

Re: welcome

[ኮድ አርም]

Thanks! I'll try to help if I can, despite my non-existent Amharic :-) --Bansp 09:51, 14 January 2006 (UTC)

tahnks elfalem. I sure have few questions but I will ask them as we go along. for now how do I sign my name and time on my messages automatically?


Comma or Serez in Article title?

[ኮድ አርም]

Hi Elfalem,

At Wikipedia talk:የአርዕስትና የስም አጻጻፍ ልምድ, Hahu asked a good question:

የክፍለ ሀገር ስም ከሆነ - ስሙን ከዚያም ኮማ እና አንድ ባዶ ቦታ(space) እና የሀገሩ ስም" ይላል:: ኮማ ይሻላል ወይስ ነጠላ ሰረዝ?

I replied that I would ask you what you think because you wrote that section and also created several article titles like ሴንት ጆንስ, አሪዞና. I agree that his proposal makes good sense and for proper Amharic these articles would then be moved to ሴንት ጆንስ፣ አሪዞና, but I wanted to run it by you first. What do you think?

ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 03:12, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

A small question

[ኮድ አርም]


I'm not sure where else to ask, so I thought I'd ask you. I'm trying to find out how "senterej" is written in Amharic script. It's traditional Ethiopian chess, and there isn't a wikipage on it, in Amharic or English.

Sorry to bother you, and many, many thanks if you can help!

Bayde msamsin@excite.com

አመሰግናለሁ:: Tatari

UI improvements

[ኮድ አርም]

selam. Please, see Wikipedia:UI_Translation for a discussion on how to improve the UI language. አብዲሣ አጋ »ጭውውት|አስተዋጽኦ« 18:10, 9 September 2006 (UTC)

Current events

[ኮድ አርም]

Sure, if anyone has the time and dedication, they can keep a log of any important news stories at ወቅታዊ ጉዳዮች... To make a full portal out of it, we should ask Meta to open up n: (Wikinews) in Amharic, by going to m:Wikinews/Start a new edition. You can see what the English wikinews looks like at en:n:Main page for ideas. But that would take a lot of work from a lot of people, and it seems like the wikipedia itself is only just starting to pick up speed. The only mediawiki projects in Amharic open so far, appear to be wikt: (Wiktionary) and q: (Wikiquotes)... ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 13:44, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

Featured Article

[ኮድ አርም]

Hi, since we have not changed our front page featured article (ጉግል) for over a year, I thought it might be a good idea to let editors propose and pick from some articles to replace it this time (በድምጽ ብዛት እንዲመረጥ)... What do you think? ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 01:49, 24 August 2007 (UTC)

Końskowola - Poland

[ኮድ አርም]

Could you please write a stub http://am.wikipedia.org/wiki/Końskowola - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Końskowola ? Only 3-5 sentences enough. Please.

P.S. If You do that, please put interwiki link into english version. 123owca321 17:46, 7 ጁላይ 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thankyou very much

[ኮድ አርም]
THANKYOU SO MUCH Elfalem for your Excellent Translation effort!
I am very very Grateful.
May God Bless You!
If you want any of your favourite articles to be translated into the Chinese language, then I would certainly be glad help you.
Yours Sincerely, From --Jose77 02:06, 9 ጁላይ 2008 (UTC)[reply]


It was here - Check the link that says 'Astronomy/Geography/Vegetable' for a .pdf file!

Cheers, ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 13:58, 25 ጃንዩዌሪ 2010 (UTC)[reply]

== ተመስገን አምላኬ!!! ==ኢክራም

ተመስገን አምላኬ!!! አሁን ትንሽ ተሰማኝ ትንሽ የበኩሌን ያደረግኩ መስሎ ተሰማኝ!!! ትንሽ!!! ከ 400 በላይ ማሻሻያና አዳዲስ መጣጥፎችን ጨምሬአለሁ!!! ስእሎችን ጨምሮ ከ ሰባ በላይ አዳዲስ መጣጥፎችን ጨመርኩ:: አሁንም አልረካሁም እልፍሽ። በተለይ መሬት የምትለዋን በጣም ደክሜባታለሁ። ደሴ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ እና የ ዘጠኙንም ፕላኔቶች ስራዎቼን እወዳቸዋለሁ። በተረፈ አሁንም ውክፔዲያችንን ከወደቀበት ለማንሳት እጥራለሁ እወዳች... አመሰግናለሁ!!!

Please writing article Nowy Dwór Królewski. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowy_Dwór_Królewski Answer on Polish Wikipedia Ananas96 12:53, 22 ማርች 2010 (UTC)[reply]