ኋንግ ሽያንፋን
ኋንግ ሽያንፋን (ቻይንኛ፦ 黄现璠፣ 黄現璠) የቻይና ታሪክ ጸሓፊ ነበሩ። ከ13 ኖቬምበር 1899 እ.ኤ.አ. እስከ 18 ጃንዩዌሪ 1982 እ.ኤ.አ. ድረስ ኖሩ።
- Outline of Chinese History፣1932-1934
- Brief Introduction on Tang Dynasty፣ 1936
- Save Nation Movement of Tai-Xue students in Song Dynasty፣1936
- Brief History of the Zhuang፣1957
- No Slave Society in Chinese History፣1981
- Nong Zhi Gao፣1983
- General History of the Zhuang፣1988
- The Introduction on Chinese Ancient Books፣2004
- Wei Baqun Biography፣2008