የHöyhens አስተዋጽኦች
Results for Höyhens ውይይት የማገጃ መዝገብ የተላኩ ፋይሎች መዝገቦች global block log global account የጥፋቶች መዝገብ
A user with 2 edits. Account created on 8 ጁን 2011.
8 ጁን 2011
- 23:0523:05, 8 ጁን 2011 ለውጡ ታሪክ +340 አ ውይይት:ሳማ አዲስ ገጽ ፈጠረ፦ «Hello, and greetings from Finland. I don't understand at all, but I recommend you to think about this article's interwiki linkages between the genus Urtica and the ...» ላይኛ
- 21:4121:41, 8 ጁን 2011 ለውጡ ታሪክ −21 ጥ ሳማ no italian appropriate article for interwiki to the genus at all, for now