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The question I have on this topic is "Why is new year on September 11 but Christmas is Tehsas 29?" Despite the difference in year with GC, new year should start on the next day of Christmas if it based on birth date of Christ. Otherwise, Christmas should be on Pagume 5.

The date of New Year as Meskerem 1 was inherited from the Coptic calendar, since it was frozen on that date in the year 33 BC (Ethiopian Calendar) by Emperor Augustus of Rome. Before that the Egyptian year had no leap year day so it would lose a day every four years. The date of Tahsas 29 for the birthday of Christ was testified to in the 100s by bishops Hippolytus of Rome and Theophilus of Caesaria, and was adopted by the entire church by 359 Amete Mihret. Hope this helps, ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 18:48, 24 ኦክቶበር 2012 (UTC)[reply]