አባል ውይይት:Taketa
ወደ አማርኛ ውክፔድያ እንኳን ደህና መጡ! ይህንን ውክፔዲያ (ዊኪ) ፕሮጀክት ማሻሻልና ማዘጋጀት ደስ እንደሚያስኝዎ ተስፋ አለኝ። እነዚህ ገጾች በተለይ ይጠቅሞታል።
- ቀላል መማርያ
- የማዘጋጀት ዘዴ - መጣጥፎችን ስለ ማስተካከል የሚጠቅም መረጃ
- መፈተኛው፡ቦታ - እዚህ ገጽ ላይ የማዘጋጀት ሙከራ ያለ ገደብ ይፈቀዳል!
- የአርዕስትና የስም አጻጻፍ ልምድ ደግሞ መጣጥፍ ስለ ማዘጋጀት አንዳንድ ስነ-ሥርዐት ያስረዳል።
- ክፍለ-ዊኪዎች (መጣጥፎች፣ ግብራዊ ገጾች፣ መደቦች፣ መለጠፊያዎች ወዘተ.) አገባብ ለመረዳት ይህን ያንብቡ...
- የመደቦች ዝርዝር
- በዚህ መርሃ ግብር ላይ መኖር ያለበት ርዕስ ቢያውቁ፣ እባክዎ «የተፈለጉ ፅሑፎች» ጋ ይዘርዝሩት!
- በዊኪፔድያ ላይ አዲስ ገጽ ወይም ፅሑፍ በቀላሉ ለመፍጠር፣ በግራ ያለው «እንሂድ!» የሚለው ሳጥን ደግሞ ይጠቅምዎታል...!
ምንም ጊዜ ስለ ማንኛውም ጉዳይ ጥያቄ ካለዎት፣ በእኔ ወይም በሌላ መጋቢ ውይይት ገጽ ላይ ከመጠየቅ አይቆጠቡ!
Welcome to Amharic Wikipedia! I hope you enjoy improving and editing this Wikipedia project. These pages are especially useful for those who are literate in Amharic. However, even experienced Wikipedians who don't know any Amharic have helped out with other things, like 'Interwikis' and updating images from Commons, etc. So don't be afraid to improve the wiki any way you can! Remember, someone else can always come later and fix any changes you make that are not perfect.
You can set your own language for the interface at Special:Preferences. Just scroll in the box where it says 'am - አማርኛ' until you see your language, then click the ይቆጠብ (save) button at the bottom!
Feel free to use our Sandbox to make test edits. If you want to talk with other members in general, for now you can use the Village pump. Sign your name on any Talk pages by just typing '~~~~' (four tildes) at the end of your message.
If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask on my or another administrator's Talk page. Happy editing! With regards,
-- ፈቃደ (ውይይት) --Lucia Bot 15:58, 26 ጁን 2011 (UTC)
Invitation to Medical Translation
[ኮድ አርም]Medical Translation Project
Invitation to the Medical Translation Project – a joint Wikimedia project started by the English language WikiProject Medicine! Thank you for being one of the top Medical editors! I want to use this opportunity to introduce you to our most ambitious project. We want to use Wikipedia to spread knowledge where it will be used. Studies have shown that Wikipedia is the most common resource of medical knowledge, and used by more people than any other source! We want high quality articles, available to everyone, regardless of language ability. It isn't right that you would need to know a major language to get hold of quality content! That is why in the recent Ebola crisis (which is still ongoing) we translated information into over 70 languages, many of them small African languages. This was important, as Wikipedia was also shown to be the biggest resource used in Africa for information on Ebola! We see tremendous potential, but also great risks as our information needs to be accurate and well-researched. We only translate articles that have been reviewed by medical doctors and experts, so that what we translate is correct. Many of our translators are professionals, but many are also volunteers, and we need more of you guys – both to translate, but also to import finished translations, and fix grammatical or other style issues that are introduced by the translation process. Our articles are not only translated into small languages, but also to larger ones, but as of 2015 this requires users to apply for an article to be translated, which can be done here (full articles, short articles) with an easy to manage google document. So regardless of your background head over to our main page for more information, or to our talk page and ask us questions. Feel free to respond in any language, we will do our best to find some way to communicate. No task is too small, and we need everyone to help out!
Thank you for helping medical information on Wikipedia grow! -- CFCF 🍌 (email) 15:37, 28 January 2015 (UTC) |